“Where science and art are met, path to beauty is set. ”

dr. med. Ivonne Žgaljardić


Cosmetic surgery center
Zoran Žgaljardić, M.D:, Ph.D, ass. prof.

Clinic for Maxillofacial, General and Plastic Surgery, Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care


Years of experience
in the cosmetic surgery industry

Make a better choice, choose our team.

The concept of the cosmetic surgery clinic in Zagreb consists of the application of modern minimally invasive surgical techniques with use of a synergy of modern surgical techniques and laser technologies. Our ultimate goal is your rapid recovery combined with the desired aesthetic results.


* Disclaimer: Rezultati su individualni i mogu varirati od slučaja do slučaja i stanja pacijenta te njihove anatomske predispozicije.


Nova cesta 46b, 51410 Opatija
+385 51 271065 ili +385 91 2580955

Arrange a consultation

Our staff will contact you as soon as possible.


If you seek professional aesthetic medical care from a qualified surgeon

Aesthetic surgery

Today, cosmetic and aesthetic surgery can be considered an indispensable cultural development of our society.

Opatija Clinic

Nova cesta 46b
+385 51 271 065
+385 51 350 530
Work time